Love from Zandvoort is now a household name in Zandvoort and the region. It has grown into a media platform with a wide reach in Zandvoort, Aerdenhout, Bloemendaal, Heemstede, Haarlem and Amsterdam. People who live in Zandvoort or come to Zandvoort more often.


Liefs uit Zandvoort reaches approximately 85,000 people every month through various channels (website, social media, newsletter). Instagram is the most important channel, with 12,000 followers. RANGE

  • Website: monthly 25.000 visitors.
  • Newsletter1.500 subscribers. Shipped monthly. 
  • Instagram12.000 followers. High involvement. Posts receive an average of about 300 likes, with peaks of 1,100 likes and 40,000 involved accounts.
  • Facebook1.600 followers.
  • Cards Love from Zandvoort: these are located at hotels & guesthouses in Zandvoort.

WHO?Love from Zandvoort reached women and men between 25-55 years old from the region. They have interest in new hotspots, but also in nature, culture and sustainability. Followers of Liefs uit Zandvoort are, for example, people who live in Zandvoort or have just moved there, or people from the region who can regularly be found in Zandvoort. Love from Zandvoort really has fans!

  • 80% female and 20% male
  • Aged 25-55 years
  • Originating from: Zandvoort (15%) 
  • The region: including Haarlem (20%), Amsterdam (10%), Heemstede (5%)
  • Abroad: Germany (15%)

You can do so via Liefs uit Zandvoort reach your target group in a very targeted manner, from locals to tourists.


Do you want to bring your company to the attention of people in Zandvoort and the surrounding area? We would be happy to discuss with you how we can best approach this, so that we can tailor a campaign. It often works best if your company or product is featured more often. That is why we usually recommend opting for a Seasonal campaign. We also write for Haarlem City Blog.

Content is always coordinated in advance. The condition is that the content fits the target group of Liefs uit Zandvoort. We will create the content (text and images) in such a way that it appeals most to the target group. The reach figures will be shared after placement.


Do you want to become more visible on Social Media, but don't know where to start? We regularly provide Social Media Workshops for (Zandvoort) entrepreneurs. We can also take care of this individually or together with your team. We can also help you with photography for Social Media, building your website or video productions. 


I started Liefs uit Zandvoort based on my experience as a... Marketing & Event Manager in corporate life. In addition, I have now gathered a team of locals around me who help (Zandvoort) entrepreneurs with, among other things, graphic design, website design, photography and video production. Read more here about me and about Team Love from Zandvoort.


Can we help you promote your company, product, service or event? Do you want to collaborate in a different way? Please contact us at [email protected].
