After living in Barcelona and Amsterdam for years, I have been living in Zandvoort for about 8 years. Something that my friends and colleagues found strange at the time. 'What are you doing there?' I also found it quite exciting to move to Zandvoort, but now that I have experienced beach life, I will never leave here. It feels like a holiday here every day! 


I'm in to show how much fun Zandvoort is and how it's becoming more and more fun May 2019 started with Love from Zandvoort. I had been thinking about the idea for a long time and when the news came that Formula 1 was coming back to Zandvoort, I thought 'it's now or never'. Since then I have been sharing my tips for Zandvoort and the surrounding area and @liefsuit.zandvoort on Instagram. Tips about the nicest beach tents in Zandvoort & Bloemendaal, hotspots and the most beautiful places in the area and sustainable beach life. Especially now F1 As people continue to come to Zandvoort in the coming years and more and more people move from Amsterdam & Haarlem to Zandvoort, a lot is happening in Zandvoort. Many new hotels and restaurants and an upgrade of existing business. View here video about Zandvoort which I made in collaboration with Amsterdam & Partners. 


Liefs from Zandvoort is now one understanding in the region, An online media platform with a wide reach and engaged followers. Many local entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from the region know where to find Liefs uit Zandvoort promotion or content creation. I now no longer do this alone, but as a team nice group of locals around me who help me, Team Love from Zandvoort.


I set up Liefs uit Zandvoort based on my love for Zandvoort and my years of work experience Marketing & Event Manager in business. After the birth of my son, I no longer felt like driving to Amsterdam every day and therefore had little time for him. I preferred to work locally and use my knowledge locally contribute locally. I do all this with Liefs from Zandvoort. I work from home and go to appointments by bike. I help Zandvoort entrepreneurs with their marketing and social media and am involved (sustainable) projects in the municipality (including Plastic-free Terraces Zandvoort and Ondernemersplatform Zandvoort). And I help Zandvoort with one better image, an image that deserves it!


Would you like to stay informed about what I am doing? Then sign up for the newsletter, follow Love from Zandvoort on Instagram or Facebook. Do you want to collaborate? Read more about what we can do for you here.

Do you have a tip, a question, would you like to collaborate or advertise? Please contact us via [email protected]. LOVE FROM ZANDVOORT,
