The school: School of the future in Zandvoort

Open all year round


Since 2008, there has been a very special primary school in Zandvoort for which parents sometimes move to Zandvoort specifically: The school. At this school of the future, ordinary education is provided in an unusual way. With more and flexible school times, tailor-made education and far-reaching involvement of parents and students. The School is not only unique for Zandvoort, but also for the Netherlands. And they are still looking for teachers! OPEN ALL YEAR The School Zandvoort 1 1920w

In 2008, the School in Zandvoort was the first school in the Netherlands to start with flexible and extended school hours. In practice, this means that De School is open all year round, including during the autumn or spring holidays and the summer holidays. The School is only closed for 2 weeks at Christmas. Children can go to school almost 50 weeks a year, 2400 hours, at flexible times. They decide for themselves - with their parents of course - when they take vacation. And this is possible outside the busy (and expensive) school holiday weeks. 


In addition, children can go to school every day from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. At De School, care is fully integrated into education. Childcare funds can also be used. There is a teacher present all day, so children can also read or do math at 5 p.m. You can drop off and pick up your child between certain block times, so that also means that there is never a huge crowd on the schoolyard. You discuss the planning per child with the teacher every 10 weeks and it is more or less fixed, although flexibility always remains. So if the weather is nice and you want to go to the beach for a day or a morning or if family comes to visit unexpectedly, you can just keep your child at home. 

CUSTOMIZED EDUCATIONThe School Zandvoort 3 1920w

But the most important thing is of course the way education is organized. The children are offered tailor-made education within the extended opening hours. This means that the child is examined individually at what level he or she is and which teaching materials the child will be working with. For example, the child may be further advanced in arithmetic than in language. Then the child can participate with a group that has already progressed further. It is not tied to a standard curriculum and can therefore never fall behind. To ensure all this runs smoothly, the school works with a personal learning plan. Each child has their own planner for the next 10 weeks. This way they learn to plan their own work at an early age. 

PARTICIPATE IN DECISIONSThe School Zandvoort 4 1920w

Another really nice part of this type of education is that the children, but also the parents, are involved in basically everything that happens at school. For example, every 10 weeks there is a personal meeting of 45 minutes with the child, the parents and the teacher. This way, what the child is doing is monitored and it is also discussed what is going well or less well or what additional needs are needed. Children are actively involved in this. In their own 'building' (class) they can also participate in decisions about things such as toys for the schoolyard or the food that is offered during lunch. Because everyone eats together in the large kitchen at lunchtime, like a big family. 

THEMES & GUEST OFFERINGSThe School Zandvoort 7 1920w

The year is structured in 5 themes of 10 weeks. Each period focuses on 1 theme, around which education is offered. The children work on language, arithmetic, English or technology, but always with a link to the theme. In addition, guest offerings are offered every day during the 10 weeks. This means that external specialists come to De School to talk about their profession or to work on it. These could also be parents. For example, in the Sports theme, someone will teach athletics every week. Or with the Plants theme, help someone every week and tell them about a vegetable garden. A very enriching way to gain knowledge. Children can choose for themselves which guest offer they want to participate in. 

WAITING LISTThe School Zandvoort 8 1920w

There are 96 children at De School. To properly implement the concept, De School cannot expand. Unfortunately, this means that there is a waiting list. So if you want your child to go to this school, register him or her as soon as possible. Every year there is an outflow to secondary education so that new children can start every year. Send an e-mail to [email protected] to be put on the waiting list. 


De School is like many other schools looking for teachers. The School is organized differently, but provides regular education. For teachers who are concerned with educational innovation, this school is truly a heaven. You can learn a lot here and see in practice how the school of the future works and that it works. Look for this more information about the vacancies or contact [email protected].


I heard about De School when I had just moved to Zandvoort and was pregnant. I could hardly believe that this type of school was 'normal' in Zandvoort! When my son was 2 months old, I immediately registered him. And fortunately, when he was 4 years old, I received a message that there was a place for him. I am so very happy with this school. Everything is so relaxed, for the child and for the parents. This is not only due to the flexible school times, but also due to tailor-made education. If your child is not ready to read yet, or if he really wants to read, no problem, we will arrange it. My son said on his first day of school: “I'm glad this school exists,” and I can only agree with that. Read more about the experiences of other parents here


Would you like to know more about this school? Then take a look at the De School website or send an email to [email protected]. In the information video above you can also see how everything works at De School and what makes De School different from other schools. Would you like to know how I experience De School? Send an email to [email protected], I will be happy to tell you about it. DE SCHOOL JP Thijsseweg 24 - Zandvoort
